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scrolling in ionic2 is disabled when I navigate from a popover to a page

Ionic2 disables scrolling in a page if I'm navigating to it from a popover, the problem details is as follows:

I have 3 pages, one is timeline that has this code:

  let popover = Popover.create(ItemListPage, {items: data.data});

as shown in the code timeline calls a popover: ItemList, which has this code:

close() {

   this.close(); //I added this line to check if the popover is the reason
   this.nav.push(UserProfilePage, { userToShow: user});

as shown in the code, when a click event happens on an item in the popover, the showUserProfile function is called, it closes the popover(which I only added this line to check if the popover is the reason of the error), and then navigates to another page: UserProfilePage.

in UserProfile page, I have a scroller, which works fine in all cases except for this one when I navigate to UserProfilePage from the itemListPage popover. In this case the scroller only works if I replaced the this.nav.push(UserProfilePage, { userToShow: user});


    this.nav.setRoot(UserProfilePage, { userToShow: user});

I'm not sure why this happens, and what can I do to fix it. PS: I don't want to close the popover, I want the user to go back to it, I just added it to check the error reason.

this.viewCtrl.dismiss(); returns a promise, so the correct usage should be:

close() {
   return this.viewCtrl.dismiss();
   this.close().then(data =>{
       this.nav.push(UserProfilePage, { userToShow: user});

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