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ionic 1.3.1 with angularjs 1.5 components with ngComponentRouter

i am working on a project named mobile messenger in which i am using angularjs 1.5 components as per requirement. once i started working on this i was using ui-router for routing. but after using ui-router i found some issues in tabs eg

tabs are broken title is not visible history issues just to get rid of above issues i planned to use new angular 2 router ngcomponentRouter for angularjs 1.5 components. which is recommended by angular team. but i am having lots of confusion in its use.i didn't find any suitable article for ionic 1.3.1 and angular 1.5 with new routing, i am confused in how to use ngoutlet and other terms in angularjs 1.5. also i am scracthing my head just to find that

what exactly should i use with ionic? should i use ionic 1.3.1 and angularjs 1.5 components? should i use angular2 route ie ngComponentRouter with angularjs 1.5 components? if i use state routing after updating ionic version and angularjs version i found some issues mentioned above.

now i just want to know the right path to walk on. i am hanging in middle.

kindly suggest me on this.so that i can go ahead.

thank you

Ionic 1.3.x uses Angular 1.5.x but does not support the routing of components since it uses a old version of ui-router . You can find the reasons in this post on the ionic forum https://forum.ionicframework.com/t/ionic-1-3-release-candidate-w-angular-1-5-update/49133/8

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