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Angular2 OnInit, not getting data from server

I'm having problems getting data from server using NgOnInit function. With this data, I want to paint a plot using morris.js but i'm not getting that data.

I have a service that obtains all car reparations from DB and then I want to paint a daily plot of total reparations. I'm getting a void array of reparations and I can't paint anything.

My code:

constructor(_router: Router, public http: Http, private _reparacionsService: ReparacioService) {
    this.router = _router;

getReparacions() {
    this._reparacionsService.getReparacions().subscribe(rep => this.reparacions = rep.json());

ngOnInit() {
        element: 'repDaychart',
        data: this.reparacionsDies,
        xkey: 'data',
        ykeys: ['totalReparacions'],
        labels: ['totalReparacions'],
        parseTime: false,
        xLabels: "day"

I already imported and declared OnInit:

 import {Component, OnInit} from 'angular2/core';
  export class DashBoard implements OnInit 

I'm using angular beta 17. Thanks.

This code is async

this._reparacionsService.getReparacions().subscribe(rep => this.reparacions = rep.json());

this means that this.getLastWeek(); in

ngOnInit() {

is executed before this.reparacions = rep.json() is executed

You probably want to do something like

getReparacions() {
    return this._reparacionsService.getReparacions().map(rep => this.reparacions = rep.json());

ngOnInit() {
  this.getReparacions().subscribe(data => {
        element: 'repDaychart',
        data: this.reparacionsDies,
        xkey: 'data',
        ykeys: ['totalReparacions'],
        labels: ['totalReparacions'],
        parseTime: false,
        xLabels: "day"

This only works if not other calls ( getLastWeek() , getReparacionsDia()`) are async as well.

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