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Using Jcrop with file-input to crop image before upload

In my rails app, I am using jcrop with krajee's bootstrap-fileinput . I attach fileinput to my form and then I try to use jcrop on the img element. When I do this, the image preview disappears and in it's place an icon for a broken image. I'm not sure what's going on.

  var btnCust = '<button type="button" class="btn btn-default crop-image" title="Add picture tags">' +
      '<i class="glyphicon glyphicon-tag"></i>' +

  var previewCust = '<div class="file-preview-frame" id="{previewId}" data-fileindex="{fileindex}" data-template="{template}">' +
              '<div class="kv-file-content">' +
              '<img src="{data}" class="kv-preview-data file-preview-image cropbox" title="{caption}" alt="{caption}">' +
              '</div>' +
              '{footer}' +

    showClose: false,
    browseLabel: '',
    removeLabel: '',
    showCaption: false,
    defaultPreviewContent: "<img src='" + $('.profile-image').attr('src') + "' alt='Your Avatar' class='cropbox'>",
    layoutTemplates: {main2: '{preview} ' +  btnCust + ' {remove} {browse}', footer: ''},
    previewTemplates: {image: previewCust}

  $('.crop-image').on('click', function () {
      aspectRatio: 1,
      setSelect: [0, 0, 175, 175],
      onSelect: update,
      onChange: update

  function update(coords) {
      return $('#user_crop_h').val(coords.h);

Below is part of the html that is created by file-input.


<div class="kv-file-content">
  <img src="blob:https%3A//my-app-werfds.c9.io/11176113-aab3-477c-bf1e-cf21a9c54cab" class="kv-preview-data file-preview-image cropbox" title="IMG_0315.JPG" alt="IMG_0315.JPG">

Is there something weird about the preview image that jcrop is having a problem with? In my console I get an error that says GET blob:https%3A//my-app-werfds.c9.io/11176113-aab3-477c-bf1e-cf21a9c54cab 404 (not found)

I wasn't sure what else to include. I didn't include the form because I'm not trying to submit it yet. I'm just having a problem with jcrop working on the preview img.

Here is a jsfiddle (it was hard for me to implement all the above code but this is basically what is happening)

Was unable to locate if or where Blob URL is revoked, though was able to create a workaround by creating a <canvas> element, using .toDataURL() and replacing src of .file-preview-image with data URI of existing image before calling .Jcrop()

 $('.crop-image').on('click', function () {
    var img = $('.file-preview-image');
    var canvas = $("<canvas>")[0];
    canvas.width = img[0].naturalWidth;
    canvas.height = img[0].naturalHeight;
    var ctx = canvas.getContext("2d");
    ctx.drawImage(img[0], 0, 0);
    var url = canvas.toDataURL();
    img.attr("src", url).Jcrop()

jsfiddle https://jsfiddle.net/bea09mz9/3/

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