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TinyMCE force content into into an ordered list (ol)

Is there a way to force the editor to begin with an ol so when the user clicks enter , it will automatically go to a new li . The user should also not be able to exit the ol , so when they click enter on an empty line, it should stay in the ol .

I have tried forced_root_block : 'li' and forced_root_block : 'ol' but they don't seem to do anything.

I have also looked through TinyMCE's documentation but couldn't find any way to do this. Thanks!

    plugins: "link, paste",
    toolbar: 'numlist',
    valid_elements : "-ol,-li",
    menubar: false,
    paste_as_text: true,
    setup: function (editor) {
        editor.on("init", function() {
        // This forces all 'enter' and 'backspace' keys to create an 'ol li' element
        editor.on('keyup', function(e) {
            if (e.keyCode == 13 || e.keyCode == 8){
                if (tinyMCE.activeEditor.selection.getNode().nodeName.toLowerCase() != 'li'){

The paste as text plugin is so when the user pastes a large number of text, it won't break the li

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