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How could i add phonebook contacts to my chat app in ios by using xmpp framework and openfire server?

I am new to chat application and making it in objective-c. I wanted to know how could i save all my phonebook contacts as user. i know how to fetch contacts from address book but dont have much idea about xmpp framework and openfire.If anyone could help me.

First you know how to fetch contacts.now every contact you need to add Xmpp Roaster.like below call this method called at your contact fetching class.

[[self appDelegate] addNewBuddyToMyAccount:tempNumber withNickName:[[tempContactList objectAtIndex:i] fullname]]; //in my terms tempNumber is the phone number that is JID.

in your xmpp class follow below code to add to roster NSString * buddyNameJID = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@@serverName",buddyUserID]; XMPPJID *jid = [XMPPJID jidWithString:buddyNameJID]; //if you don't need permission then use below line otherwise comment [[self xmppRoster] acceptPresenceSubscriptionRequestFrom:jid andAddToRoster:YES]; //here we are adding our contact to our roster then check once in roaster in openfire [[self xmppRoster] addUser:jid withNickname:nickName]; NSString * buddyNameJID = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@@serverName",buddyUserID]; XMPPJID *jid = [XMPPJID jidWithString:buddyNameJID]; //if you don't need permission then use below line otherwise comment [[self xmppRoster] acceptPresenceSubscriptionRequestFrom:jid andAddToRoster:YES]; //here we are adding our contact to our roster then check once in roaster in openfire [[self xmppRoster] addUser:jid withNickname:nickName];

hope this helps.

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