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Laravel 4.2 continue routing

Imagine there is the following url structure:


post-slug and page-slug are stored in the unique database table column. What is the "most" elegant way to handle the routes with Laravel 4.2 (and if there is a difference the way with Laravel v5.2)?

I resolved this using binding parameter to a model. The following code is at the bottom of routes.php file. I would like to know whether there is simpler solution for this task.

Route::bind('directslug', function($value, $route) {
    $post = Post::where('slug', $value)->first();
    if ($post) {
        return $post;
    $page = Page::where('slug', $value)->first();
    if ($page) {
        return $page;

    throw new NotFoundHttpException;
Route::get('{directslug}', function(Post $post) {
    return $post;
Route::get('{directslug}', function(Page $page) {
    return $page;

App::missing(function($exception) {
    return Response::view('error.missing', array('title' => '404 Page not Found'), 404);

I handle everything with route model binding , fairly similarly to your solution.

In my opinion you should keep a separate model for each route, otherwise you might end up with a post having the same slug of a page... even if I'm sure you've taken care of this. You use two different routes afterall, why should you always query for a post if someone is looking for a page?

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