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Autofac factory for a static method

I have a component in my application with an interface that looks like this:

interface ILogger : IService
    Task LogAsync(Message message);

I need to construct these instances using a static method:

ILogger logger = ServiceProxy.Create<ILogger>(new Uri(...), new ServicePartitionKey(...));

This is problematic for my unit testing so I am instantiating with a delegate factory with Autofac:

public class LogConsumer
    private Func<Uri, ServicePartitionKey, ILogger> _logFactory;
    public LogConsumer(Func<Uri, ServicePartitionKey, ILogger> logFactory)
        _logFactory = logFactory;

    public async Task MethodThatUsesLogger()
        ILogger logger = _logFactory(new Uri(...), new ServicePartitionKey(...));

        await logger.LogAsync(...);           

I am registering in Autofac like so:

builder.Register<ILogger>(ctx => (uri, key) => ServiceProxy.Create<ILogger>(uri, key));
  • If I need to register 10 different interfaces in the same way, can I do it in one line with generics?
  • Is there a way to do this without injecting Func and doing it more like Ninject.Extensions.Factory?

You can do what you want by implementing IRegistrationSource

class FactoryRegistrationSource<TService> : IRegistrationSource

    public Boolean IsAdapterForIndividualComponents
            return false;

    public IEnumerable<IComponentRegistration> RegistrationsFor(Service service, Func<Service, IEnumerable<IComponentRegistration>> registrationAccessor)
        IServiceWithType typedService = service as IServiceWithType;
        if (typedService == null)
            yield break;

        if (typedService.ServiceType == typeof(TService))
            IComponentRegistration registration = RegistrationBuilder.ForDelegate<Func<Uri, TService>>((c, p) => ((Uri uri) => Factory.Get<TService>(uri)))

            yield return registration;

You would have to register it like this :

builder.RegisterSource(new FactoryRegistrationSource<ILogger>());

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