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Retrive value of a variable within the HTML within JQuery

I'm looking to set a variable based on some security for the user logged into and then use that value within JQuery.

This is the setting the variable:

    <c:set var="hasResDetailAccess" value="false"/>

What JQuery would be used to retrive that vlaue

        function() {
            var display = $(#frank).text();

Try printing the value in a hidden input an retrieve it from there:

<input type="hidden" value="<c:out value="${hasResDetailAccess}"/>" id="hasResDetailAccess">

and retrieve it with

var display = $('#hasResDetailAccess').val();

Actually what you are trying with <c:set> and jQuery both are different thing. <c:set> is useful while translating jsp to servlet ie on server side and 'jQuery' is used to process value on the client side ie in the browser.

So if you want a variable within jQuery just add it to any scope ie request,session,context or application as per your requirement and retrieve it in jsp.

For example in Servlet ,



And in JSP just put code as below,

        function() {
            var  hasResDetailAccess= ${hasResDetailAccess} ;

${hasResDetailAccess} will fetch value of the variable regardless of the scope and set it to the jQuery variable `hasResDetailAccess. And latter on you can retrieve that jQuery Variable in HTML page anywhere any point of time you need.

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