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Optimization of R Data.table combination with for loop function

I have a 'Agency_Reference' table containing column 'agency_lookup', with 200 entries of strings as below :

  1. alpha
  2. beta
  3. gamma etc..

I have a dataframe 'TEST' with a million rows containing a 'Campaign' column with entries such as :

  1. Alpha_xt2010
  2. alpha_xt2014
  3. Beta_xt2016 etc..

i want to loop through for each entry in reference table and find which string is present within each campaign column entries and create a new agency_identifier column variable in table.

my current code is as below and is slow to execute. Requesting guidance on how to optimize the same. I would like to learn how to do it in the data.table way

 Agency_Reference <- data.frame(agency_lookup = c('alpha','beta','gamma','delta','zeta'))
 TEST <- data.frame(Campaign = c('alpha_xt123','ALPHA345','Beta_xyz_34','BETa_testing','code_delta_'))
 TEST$agency_identifier <- 0
 for (agency_lookup in  as.vector(Agency_Reference$agency_lookup)) {
 TEST$Agency_identifier <- ifelse(grepl(tolower(agency_lookup), tolower(TEST$Campaign)),agency_lookup,TEST$Agency_identifier)}

Expected Output :








TEST <- data.frame(Campaign = c('alpha_xt123','ALPHA345','Beta_xyz_34','BETa_testing','code_delta_'))

pattern = tolower(c('alpha','Beta','gamma','delta','zeta'))

TEST$agency_identifier <- sub(pattern = paste0('.*(', paste(pattern, collapse = '|'), ').*'),
                              replacement = '\\1',
                              x = tolower(TEST$Campaign))

This will not answer your question per se, but from what I understand you want to dissect the Campaign column and do something with the values it provides.

Take a look at Tidy data , more specifically the part "Multiple variables stored in one column". I think you'll make some great progress using tidyr::separate . That way you don't have to use a for -loop.

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