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How to set up Parse Server with MongoDB via CloudFormation?

I want to deploy ParseServer with MongoDB via CloudFOrmation in AWS, a comment in an Amazon post says that they are using an out to date version of instance running Node.js. I changed in the "SolutionStackName" to the newest but I got this in the event log:

2016-07-29  Status  Type    Logical ID  Status reason
14:02:38 UTC-0500   CREATE_FAILED   AWS::ElasticBeanstalk::ConfigurationTemplate    DevEBConfigTemplate Resource creation cancelled
14:02:37 UTC-0500   CREATE_FAILED   AWS::ElasticBeanstalk::ApplicationVersion   ParseAppVersion Resource creation cancelled
14:02:37 UTC-0500   CREATE_FAILED   AWS::IAM::Role  MongoDBHostRole Resource creation cancelled
14:02:37 UTC-0500   CREATE_FAILED   AWS::EC2::InternetGateway   InternetGateway Resource creation cancelled
14:02:37 UTC-0500   CREATE_FAILED   AWS::IAM::Role  WebAppRole  Resource creation cancelled
14:02:35 UTC-0500   CREATE_FAILED   AWS::ElasticBeanstalk::ConfigurationTemplate    NonDevEBConfigTemplate  No Solution Stack named '64bit Amazon Linux 2015.09 v2.0.8 running Node.js' found.
14:02:34 UTC-0500   CREATE_IN_PROGRESS  AWS::ElasticBeanstalk::ConfigurationTemplate    DevEBConfigTemplate 
14:02:34 UTC-0500   CREATE_IN_PROGRESS  AWS::ElasticBeanstalk::ConfigurationTemplate    NonDevEBConfigTemplate  
14:02:34 UTC-0500   CREATE_IN_PROGRESS  AWS::ElasticBeanstalk::ApplicationVersion   ParseAppVersion 
14:02:30 UTC-0500   CREATE_COMPLETE AWS::ElasticBeanstalk::Application  WebAppElasticBeanstalkApp   
14:02:30 UTC-0500   CREATE_IN_PROGRESS  AWS::IAM::Role  WebAppRole  Resource creation Initiated
14:02:29 UTC-0500   CREATE_COMPLETE AWS::CloudFormation::WaitConditionHandle    MongoDBWaitHandle01 
14:02:29 UTC-0500   CREATE_IN_PROGRESS  AWS::EC2::InternetGateway   InternetGateway Resource creation Initiated
14:02:29 UTC-0500   CREATE_IN_PROGRESS  AWS::IAM::Role  MongoDBHostRole Resource creation Initiated
14:02:29 UTC-0500   CREATE_IN_PROGRESS  AWS::EC2::VPC   MyVPC   
14:02:29 UTC-0500   CREATE_IN_PROGRESS  AWS::ElasticBeanstalk::Application  WebAppElasticBeanstalkApp   Resource creation Initiated
14:02:28 UTC-0500   CREATE_IN_PROGRESS  AWS::EC2::InternetGateway   InternetGateway 
14:02:28 UTC-0500   CREATE_IN_PROGRESS  AWS::CloudFormation::WaitConditionHandle    MongoDBWaitHandle01 Resource creation Initiated
14:02:28 UTC-0500   CREATE_IN_PROGRESS  AWS::IAM::Role  MongoDBHostRole 
14:02:28 UTC-0500   CREATE_IN_PROGRESS  AWS::ElasticBeanstalk::Application  WebAppElasticBeanstalkApp   
14:02:28 UTC-0500   CREATE_IN_PROGRESS  AWS::IAM::Role  WebAppRole  
14:02:28 UTC-0500   CREATE_IN_PROGRESS  AWS::CloudFormation::WaitConditionHandle    MongoDBWaitHandle01 
14:02:21 UTC-0500   CREATE_IN_PROGRESS  AWS::CloudFormation::Stack  ParseBackend    User Initiated

I just don't know what to do. There is other options but I think this is the best, any ideas?


AWS constantly updates its Elastic Beanstalk solution stacks and makes its old stacks obsolete, so you will need to change your solution stack string to the currently-supported version. See the Supported Platforms (Node.js) page for the latest supported solution stack name. This is currently (as of 7/30/2016) 64bit Amazon Linux 2016.03 v2.1.3 running Node.js , and will likely change again in the future.

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