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Howler js pause/resume trouble

I'm using the Howler js library to set a player in an app running through Electron. First everything seemed to work well, but after a few weeks using the app, a bug occurs repeatedly, but not constantly : the pause() function doesn't work. Here's some piece of code :

Initialization :

    var is_paused = true;
    var currentTrack = "track1";

    var tracks =    {"track1" :  new Howl({urls: ['path/to/track1.mp3']}),
                    "track2" : new Howl({urls: ['path/to/track2.mp3']}),
                    "track3" : new Howl({urls: ['path/to/track3.mp3']})

Then I have a few buttons for play/resume, pause, stop, and play a specific track :

        if (is_paused){
            is_paused = false;

        is_paused = true;

        currentTrack = $(this).attr('id');
        is_paused = false;

The problem is that sometimes (generally after 40-45 min of a track playing), the pause() function just do nothing, which is really annoying cause I need to pause the track and play another 30 sec file and then resume the current track. I checked the console while the bug occurs, it says absolutely nothing. I have no idea where the bug comes from, there's not a lot of information about how works the library. I really need some help here, thank's in advance.

EDIT : one more thing, when pause() doesn't work, if I click play() the track plays from the begining, and I have control on this second instance of the track. It's like the first instance has reached end, but still playing.

Without knowing what version of Howler you're using, or what other code might be messing things up, there is one thing I think might help: You don't need to track the paused state. The "playing" method takes care of that. I've made it work using something like this:

// If it's paused, it's not playing, so... paused = !myHowlInstance.playing();

Another thing I noticed is that you have currentTrack = $(this).attr('id'); in your (I think it's a) stop button. Unfortunately I don't know JQuery well enough to know if there's anything wrong with that (I'm more of a Dojo fan myself). But it looks like currentTrack may be set to some value not in your list (which would break tracks[currentTrack] ). You might want to go into the console and type tracks["track1"] , currentTrack etc. to see their values. You can even do tracks[currentTrack].play(); and see what happens. I wasn't sure if you knew you could do that (it was a huge help to me when I found out about it).

And as far as the "un-pausing" starting from the beginning, I'm currently struggling with it myself; at this time there's no clear way to do this (no resume() , pause(false) etc.), and I've seen a few more questions on the subject on Google and SO, so you're not alone. I've experimented with the seek method, but with no luck. I'll post a comment if/when I reach a breakthrough on that. :)

EDIT: I figured out the play-from-beginning thing. It does involve "seek", and also the whole "instance ID" concept (which I never really understood the importance of from the documentation).

Here's an example from a project I'm working on (also a game); it doesn't involve JQuery (sorry), but it should give you the gist of how to fix the problem.

var myBgMusic = new Howl(...);
var myMusicID = myBgMusic.play();   // The docs say play() returns an ID, and I'll be passing that to "seek" later.
var paused = false;
var saveSeek;
function TogglePause() {

    if (paused) {
        myBgMusic.seek(saveSeek, myMusicID);
    } else {
        saveSeek = myBgMusic.seek(myMusicID);

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