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How do I post a message with a video to a Facebook Page using Koala?

I'm trying to post a video along with a message on a Page with Koala. I'm not referring to the title or caption, but a message just like a normal wall or picture post.

For example, this is how I'm posting a picture:

page_graph = Koala::Facebook::API.new(some_page_access_token) page_graph.put_picture(some_picture_url, {message: "hello, world!"}, page_id)

This works perfectly. I end up with a post on the page's wall with my photo and the message provided.

I'm doing something very similar with videos:

page_graph = Koala::Facebook::API.new(some_page_access_token) page_graph.put_video(some_video_url, {message: "hello, world!"}, page_id)

However, in this case, my video posts, but my message is not posted.

The picture below highlights what I'm trying to achieve.

Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!


Actually, I just figured this out. Supposed to use description instead of message .

It should be: page_graph.put_video(some_video_url, {description: "hello, world!"}, page_id)

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