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How to use layouts in Aurelia?

Aurelia recently added support for layouts, and they roughly explained those in their documentation .

However, while I managed to get the layouting itself to work, I cannot use any variables in my layout-HTML which I have as properties in my Layout-ViewModel.



import {Router, RouterConfiguration} from 'aurelia-router';

export class App {
  router: Router;

  configureRouter(config: RouterConfiguration, router: Router) {
      { route: 'hello', layoutViewModel: 'layout/main', moduleId: 'hello/index' },


export class MainLayout {
  heading = 'Hallo Welt';



But only the exclamation point occurs. Do you have any ideas what I am doing wrong or how I can get it to work?

Many thanks in advance!

Sorry for the delayed answer here, but your example appears to be working for me. It is highly possible that you experienced a bug that has since been fixed or an issue elsewhere in your code.

Please see this linked Gist.run example to see your example running.


You could do this in layout/main.ts:

export class MainLayout {
  constructor() {
    this.heading = 'Hallo Welt';

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