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How to automatically run consul agent and registrator container on scaling ECS instance

I have created a consul cluster of three nodes. Now I need to run consul agent and registrator containers and join consul agent with one of the consul server node whenever I up ECS instance or scale out ECS instance on which I'm running my micro services.

I have automated rest of the deployment process with rolling updates. But I have to manually start up consul agent and registrator whenever I scale out ECS instance.

Anyone have idea how can we automate this?

Create an ELB in front of you consul servers or an elastic IP so that it doesn't change.

Then in userdata:


#start the agent
docker run -it --restart=always -p 8301:8301 -p 8301:8301/udp -p 8400:8400 -p 8500:8500 -p 53:53/udp \
-v /opt/consul:/data -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock -v /etc/consul:/etc/consul -h \
$(curl -s --name consul-agent progrium/consul \
-join $consul_host -advertise $(curl -s`

#start the registrator
docker run -it --restart=always -v /var/run/docker.sock:/tmp/docker.sock \
-h $(curl -s --name consul-registrator \
gliderlabs/registrator:latest -ip $(curl -s \
consul://$(curl -s

Note: this snippet assumes your setup is all locally reachable, etc. It's from the cloudformations from this blog post and this link

  1. Create a task-definition with two containers, consul-client and registrator.
  2. aws ecs start-task in your userdata.

This AWS post focuses on this.

edit : Since you mentioned ECS instance, I assume you already have the necessary IAM role set for the instance.

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