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I want to block USB Port using C# console application

I am trying to make a simple program that can modify windows registry through code.I have tried adding an Application Manifest File to provide admin privileges to the code but nothing seems to work.

            RegistryKey MyKey = Registry.LocalMachine.OpenSubKey("/SYSTEM/CurrentControlSet/Services/USBSTOR", true);
         //the control jumps to catch after the above line.
            MyKey.SetValue("Start", "4", RegistryValueKind.DWord);
            System.Console.WriteLine("Port locked");
        }//throws a nullvaluerefrence exception
            System.Console.WriteLine("There was an error");

MyKey.SetValue has an invalid parameter. string cannot be converted to int .

MyKey.SetValue("Start", "4", RegistryValueKind.DWord);

Change the code to:

MyKey.SetValue("Start", 0x4, RegistryValueKind.DWord);

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