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WPF reading and writing RichTextBox text

I am quite new to WPF and have come across a problem.

I have a rich text box and I set it's text. Then, whenever the rich texbox text changes (using event handler), I need to check if it was equal to the origional text.

But, even when the text hasn't changed, the code says it has due to a new line appearing when reading the text.

This is basically what I am doing: (a simiplified version showing the problem)

//Create a new text box
RichTextBox r = new RichTextBox();

//Write Text "Hello World" to the rich text box
r.Document.Blocks.Add(new Paragraph(new Run("Hello World")));

//Read Text "Hello World" from rich text box
string textBoxText = new TextRange(r.Document.ContentStart, r.Document.ContentEnd).Text;
Console.WriteLine("\"" + textBoxText + "\"");

I would expect to see "Hello World" in the console, but instead it gives:

"Hello World

Because there is a new line after this, it causes problems in my code. Is there a better way of reading and writing the RichTextBox to avoid this??

I have decided to use a Windows Forms RichTextBox within the WPF window instead of the standard WPF RichTextBox.

It's a bit trickier to use with xaml so i'm mainly setting its properties when the window is opened in the code-behind.

It has solved all of my problems so far.

More Information:



(I won't mark this as the answer, as it doesn't solve the problem if you want to use a WPF RichTextBox and not WinForms)

Edit: Actually, it's best to avoid this method as the WinForms control is drawn above all WPF controls. This stops me from using drop down menus in wpf. ... Still looking for answer!!!


I tried to use this answer to draw my wpf drop down menus above the winforms RichTextBox. It worked, but the alignment went wrong.

Now, I have abandoned both WPF and WinForms RichTextBox and have gone with AvalonEdit (which is amazing). It was origionally made for a code editor but works well for any kind of RichTextBox replacement.

I used a mixture of this and this for changing the colour of parts of the text.

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