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Binding dependency property - set in custom user control, get in viewmodel

The aim is to instantiate an object in a custom UserControl and then access that instance from a viewmodel. But the following is not working, the UpRatings property in the viewmodel is null.

Custom UserControl with Dependency Property

public partial class Scale:UserControl

    public Scale()

    public static readonly DependencyProperty MouseRatingsProperty = 

    public IObservable<double> MouseRatings
            return (IObservable<double>)GetValue(MouseRatingsProperty);
            SetValue(MouseRatingsProperty, value);                

    // requires System.Reactive NuGet
    private ISubject<double> _mouseRatings = new Subject<double>();

    protected override void OnInitialized(EventArgs e)
        // _mouseRatings is the object instance I need to access in the viewmodel
        MouseRatings = _mouseRatings;


    <scale:Scale MouseRatings="{Binding Path=UpRatings, Mode=TwoWay}"/>


// requires Prism.Wpf NuGet
public class MyViewModel : BindableBase
    public IObservable<double> UpRatings { get; set; }

    // called after the DataContext is set, so the UpRatings binding should work here by now
    // see https://github.com/PrismLibrary/Prism/blob/master/Documentation/WPF/60-Navigation.md
    public void OnNavigatedTo(NavigationContext navigationContext)
        // but UpRatings is unfortunately null here
        Trace.WriteLine(UpRatings == null ? "null" : "not null");


Note that the DataContext is not set directly on the custom usercontrol but a parent of hers (and I can confirm that inside the custom usercontrol).

It started to work when MouseRatings = _mouseRatings; is called later as follows, while MouseRatings lost its value for some mysterious reason if setting it OnInitialized.

public Scale()
        IsVisibleChanged += Scale_IsVisibleChanged;

private void Scale_IsVisibleChanged(object sender, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e)
        if (IsVisible)
            MouseRatings = _mouseRatings;

It would also work to set it in the UserControl Loaded event, but then the viewmodel has to wait extra time before being able to access the object.

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