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Pivot Table Field has no items

I am working on a series of pivot tables on Excel, for which I would like a particular filter to be automated in the following way: the user inputs a particular value in one cell, and all the filters across the workbook refresh accordingly. I have been reading posts in Stack Exchange which explain how to do it. However, I have come across an issue which I have been unable to solve.

My data comes from an external Microsoft Access database. I have created a connexion between the database and the Excel file; the data is imported to the Excel file where it is displayed as a table tblExcel . My pivot tables are then linked to this tblExcel .

To refresh filters, I want to use the following line:

item.Visible = (item.Caption = cd)

where item is a PivotItems object and cd is the value inputted by the user. This line wasn't working, so I wrote the following subroutine to check something:

Sub Test()

check = 0

For Each field In Application.ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets("Sheet1").PivotTables("PivotTable").PivotFields("[tblExcel].[Field1].[Field1]").PivotItems
    check = check + 1

MsgBox check

End Sub 

It turns out that the MsgBox returns invariably a 0, for all my fields, like they were empty.

Does anyone know why this is happening? Is it due to my data model structure? How could I circumvent it?

Try the following code, for debug purposes you have an InputBox , where you write down the Field1 value you want the PIVOT Table to filter to.

Option Explicit
Public Sub Filter_PivotTable_Items()

Dim PvtTbl                              As PivotTable
Dim pvtFld                              As PivotField
Dim cd                                  As String

' setting the Pivot Table to a PivotTable Object
Set PvtTbl = ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets("Sheet1").PivotTables("PivotTable")

Application.ScreenUpdating = False

' set Pivot table to show only the selected Project's Data
Set pvtFld = PvtTbl.PivotFields("Field1")

' select manually the value for Field 1 >> for debug purpose
cd = InputBox("Select Item")
Call SelectPivotItem(pvtFld, cd)

End Sub

Public Sub SelectPivotItem(Field As PivotField, cd As String)

Dim Item                            As PivotItem

On Error GoTo cd_Error
For Each Item In Field.PivotItems
    Item.Visible = (Item.Caption = cd)

If Err.Number = 1004 Then
    MsgBox "Item " & cd & " not found !"
    Exit Sub
End If

End Sub

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