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How to extend fullCalendar.js end date using Javascript?

I have the same problem as this guy. I don't know how to increase the end date by one day. I don't want to change its value in the database, just on the html page.

Here's my calendar at the moment (no Moment.js pun):

$(document).ready(function () {

   // page is now ready, initialize the calendar...
   var base_url = '{{ url('/') }}';
   var $calendar = $('#calendar-holidays').fullCalendar({
   header: {
      left: '',
      center: 'title',
      right: ''
   weekends: false,
   editable: false,
   eventLimit: true,
   events: {
      url: base_url + '/holidayapi',
      error: function () {
         alert("cannot load holidays from database");

If your event objects have end specified

  /* assumes end is set in event object! */
  eventDataTransform: function(event) {
    var copy = $.extend({}, event);
    copy.end = moment(event.end).add(1, 'day'); // make moment in case it isn't already
    return copy;
  events: [{ /* sample event */
    start: moment().format('YYYY-MM-DD'),
    // all day event, assumes end to be next day @ 00:00
    end: moment().add(1,'day').format('YYYY-MM-DD'),
    title: 'Today event'

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