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Looking for a single value in an Excel column with multiple matches

I have a list of client numbers and I need to search through a list of account numbers to find out if the client has a particular account number in their file.

My original sheet looks like this


My list of account numbers looks like this

  • 217 1008
  • 218 1008
  • 219 1008
  • 217 2009
  • 218 2009
  • 219 2009
  • 218 3015
  • 219 3015
  • 217 4017
  • 219 4017

Expected results look like this


Originally, I concatenated the client and account numbers then did a VLOOKUP but I'm sure there's a better way. Maybe using VBA instead of a formula in the worksheet. Can anyone help me out?

If your Client and Accounts list is in seperate cells, you could use Countifs() :


As @pnuts says, a PivotTable will get you your results table, but it will soon get unwieldy if you have large numbers of clients/accounts. Your VLOOKUP of a CONCATENATEd value is a good way to go unless you don't want to modify the data.

If you're only doing it as a single shot check on a small number of clients/accounts, perhaps just using the auto-filters on the data might be a simpler solution?

If you Client and Accounts is in the same column, you can use this which tries to MATCH the concatenation of the row and column header (with space):

=IF(NOT(ISERROR(MATCH($C4&" "&D$1,$A$2:$A$11,0))),"X","")



I will assume the the table shown in results starts in cell A1, so your formula will be typed in B3 and copied right and down. I will also assume you account list is in a named range Acct .

=IF(MATCH($A3&" "&B$14,Acct)>0,"X","")

Copy this to all cells in B3:E5 in your example.

Here's another way, using Index/Match . Break your 217 1008 column into two, using Text to Columns, Space Delimiter. Then say these are in range J1:J10 ( 217, 218, etc. ), and in K1:K10 is 1008, 1009, etc. :

(enter as array with CTRL+SHIFT+ENTER )

Where A2 is the start of your 217 numbers going down, and B1 is the 1008 start going right.

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