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AngularJS how can I call functions properly, outside of the function

I am new to AngularJS and am trying to write a code to extract a data from JSON file. I wrote a GET function and now want to call the GET function outside of the function.

I have a getData function and on the last line, there is var questions = getData'~~~' . I think this is wrong in my code. How can I call the getData function out side of the DataFactory function.

    .factory("DataService", DataFactory);

     function DataFactory($log, $http){
       var vm = this
        var dataObj = {
       questions: questions
        vm.sort = sort;
        vm.random = random;
        vm.getData = getData;
        var temp = 0;

        // right now I have questions variable here
        // but I want to move this to the outside of the function
        //var questions = getData('data1.json');

        function getData(apicall){
            $http.get('api/' + apicall, 
                       {token: 'check!'}
                questions = response.data;
                }, function(response){
                    $log.log(response.data || "Request failed");
        function sort(array) {
          return array.sort(function() {
            return .5 - Math.random();
        function random() {
          for (var key in dataObj.questions) {
            dataObj.questions[key].Choices = sort(dataObj.questions[key].Choices);
        return dataObj;

    var questions = DataFactory.getData('data1.json');

You need to make your api calls in a 'Factory' or 'Services' file. Then make a call to the 'get' method in the Factory file in the 'Controller' file. Code separation is necessary, so take advantage of the Factories and Controllers.

Refer to example below :

# user.factory.js
# 'app.foo.user' refers to your directory structure i.e. app/foo/user/user.factory.js

(function() {
    'use strict';

        .module('app.foo.user', [])
        .factory('userSvc', UserService);

    /* @ngInject */
    function UserService(
        API_CONFIG) {

        var ENDPOINTS = {
            USERS: '/v1/users'

         * @ngdoc service
         * @name app.foo.user
         * @description User management
        var service = {
            get: get

         * @ngdoc method
         * @name get
         * @description Returns all users
         * @methodOf app.foo.user
         * @returms {promise} user or null if not found
        function get() {
            var q = $q.defer();

            var request = utils.buildAuthRequest( session, 'GET', ENDPOINTS.USERS );

              .success(function (users) {
              .error(function (error) {
                  logger.error('UserService.get > Error ', error);

            return q.promise;

# user.module.js
# 'app.foo.user' refers to your directory structure i.e. app/foo/user/user.module.js

(function() {
    'use strict';

        .module('app.foo.user', [

# user-list.controller.js
# This is where you make a call to the 'get' method in the 'user.factory.js'. 
# And you gave to inject 'userSvc' in this file so as to connect to the 'user.factory.js' file.
# 'app.foo.admin' refers to your directory structure i.e. app/foo/admin/user-list.controller.js

 (function() {
    'use strict';

        .controller('UsersListController', UsersListController);

    /* @ngInject */

    function UsersListController(
        userSvc) {
        var vm = this;
        vm.loading = false;
        vm.userSvc = userSvc;


        function activate() {
            // init users
                function(users) {

                    vm.users = users;
                function(error) {

As I mentioned in my comment, you need to inject your service into your controller. Something like this works:

  var myApp = angular.module('myApp',[]);

  .controller("MyCtrl", MyCtrl);

  MyCtrl.$inject = ["myApp.myService"]; //injects your service into your controller

  function MyCtrl(dataservice) {
      var vm = this;
      vm.name = 'Superhero';
      //calls the service

  angular.module("myApp").factory("myApp.myService", function() {
        //exposes the service's methods
      //you need this, vs the vm syntax in your service
            var service = {
            getData: getData

        return service;   

    function getData(){

JSFiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/Lvc0u55v/8234/

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