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Chaining promises in Javascript and Angular

I am using Angular resourse to get my data from an API, in this way:

var getAccountListPerUser = function () {

  return $resource(uri, {}, {
    get: {
      headers: service.getDefaultHeaderRequest(),
      method: 'GET',
      transformResponse: function (data) {
        var accountList = [];
        try {
          accountList = JSON.parse(data);
        } catch (e) {
          accountList = [];
        return accountList;
      isArray: true,
      cache: true

In my controller I have to use it and another two service functions defined in the same way.

var promiseResourcesAccountList = usrWebUserService.getAccountListPerUser();

  $scope.usersWithAccountsAndProfiles = result;
  var filteredProfiles = [];
  for (var account in result) {
  $scope.filteredProfiles = filteredProfiles;


var promiseResourcesEditUser = usrWebUserService.getResourcesUser(currentUser);

promiseResourcesEditUser.then(function (result) {
  usrWebUserFactory.mapBasicPreferences($scope, result);

And then another very similar, this information loads data in three divs, but I want to show them only when all the three functions have completed correctly. I think I have to chain the result of the promises. How can I do that?

You can chain them like:

  ///whatever processing
  //return a promise
  return promiseResourcesEditUser()
  return anotherPromise();
   //update scope here

alternatively, you could also use $q.all([promise1, promise2, promise3]).then(...);

@terpinmd is correct. Chaining promises is pretty simple. Say you have a service with a "getWidgets" that returns a promise, and you want to use the response from that service to call another service, "getWidgetOwners" that will return another promise :


  1. getWidgets returns an array of widget objects.
  2. getWidgetOwners accepts an array of ownerIds

How To:

        .then(function(widgets) {
            return widgets.map(function(widget) { // extract ownerIds 
                return widget.ownerId;
        .then(service.getWidgetOwners)            // pass array of ownerId's to       
        .then(function(owners) {                  // the next service

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