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Preventing multiple JavaScript scripts loading in Asp.Net Core ViewComponents

For example, I have this PrimitiveViewComponent :

<button type="button" onClick="sayHello"></button>
    function sayHello() {

If I invoke them more than once, like this:

<div>@await Component.InvokeAsync("Primitive")</div>
<div>@await Component.InvokeAsync("Primitive")</div>
<div>@await Component.InvokeAsync("Primitive")</div>

it would be an ambiguity, because the function sayHello would be included three times, which isn't necessary.

How should I define JavaScript functions for ViewComponents, how can I prevent them from being included more than once, and where to store them?

I don't think there is a way in server side to manage this issue. But using Javascript and JQuery you can fix this problem.

In this code, I moved the script to a file scripts.js under js folder in wwwroot. While loading the page I am checking whether the SayHello is a function or it is undefined, if it is a function means it is loaded to the page, if it is undefined, I am loading the script using JQuery getscript method.

Here is the view component code.

<button type="button" onClick="sayHello()">Hello</button>
    if (typeof sayHello !== 'function') {
        $.getScript( "/js/scripts.js" ).done(function( script, textStatus ) {
            console.log( textStatus );

Hope it helps

I think you should define a property like ScriptIncluded to specify whether the script included in the model, and in server side to maintain the property status; Check the ScriptIncluded property whether true every time when invoke the component like this:

<button type="button" onClick="sayHello"></button>
        function sayHello(){

In your component class definition, you should set the model.ScriptIncluded = True; if the component is not invoked first time. You can keep a bool value in HttpContext.Items .

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