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webpack build to multiple files

I have web pack application and want to build output multiple files not a single javascript file. for example if I have such folder structure


my webpack build have to compile files in same folder structure. How i can achieve that?

I tried babel cli:

babel ./src --out-dir ./lib --source-maps --presets es2015,react --plugins babel-plugin-add-module-exports,babel-plugin-transform-decorators-legacy,babel-plugin-transform-class-properties --watch

It outputs files as I wanted but getting error

Cannot resolve module

Because it does not know anything about webpack resolve.

Any suggestions?

Getting webpack to output multiple files is possible but it does have limitations. First it's important to understand how this works. Webpack actually provides a runtime script that can load code "chunks" as they are needed, this is important for large applications so the user doesn't have to download the javascript for the entire app just to see the homepage. But webpack needs to keep track of these chunks and what they're named at build time to be able to load them correctly at run time. For that reason it has it's own file naming conventions to enable this functionality. See more here: https://webpack.js.org/guides/code-splitting/ . So you can require.ensure all of your deps, but they won't be named and foldered they way you describe as webpack's runtime wouldn't be able to find them in that case.

The other thing that's important to consider is that webpack is a bundler, so it's meant to bundle files. Essentially your saying you don't want to bundle your files. So if that's the case, you should probably look into using require.js. Many people have moved from require to bundlers such as Wepback and Browserify as typically it's not efficient to download every little module seperately. But, every app is different so you may in fact have a good reason to not bundle.

If you do in fact want to do some bundling but want to optimize how it's done, then I can help with that as well, and webpack is certainly a great tool for that. But I'll need to understand your use case a little more to give the best advice.

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