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IBAction Delegate

I have a problem with IBAction delegate. I create button in xib file by Interface Builder and want to use it in another controller.

Button is clickable and I don't see any error but it don't show Alert or NSLog. If I try to do NSLog in LetterView.m, It's work perfectly fine but not in ViewController. What should i do?

Thanks for help.

What I am doing currently is:


#import <UIKit/UIKit.h> 

@class LettersView; 

@protocol ButtonHint <NSObject>



@interface LettersView : UIView @property (strong, nonatomic) IBOutlet UIView *lettersView;

- (IBAction)hintButton:(id)sender;
- (IBAction)removeButton:(id)sender;

@property (nonatomic, assign) id <ButtonHint> hintDelegate; 



-(IBAction)hintButton:(id)sender {
    [self.hintDelegate hintButtonView:self];


@interface GameViewController : UIViewController <ButtonDisplayChar, ButtonHint>


-(void)hintButtonView:(LettersView *)letterView {
    [self addAlert:@"HINT" andMessage:helpstr andButton:@"Thanks"];

You can do in other View controller by adding target of that Button example : in your xib have button.

Use that button as target in other view controller.

example : first in view controller

var letterVw     : LetterView?

letterVw.myFirstButton.addTarget(self, action: #selector(myClass.pressed(_:)), forControlEvents: .TouchUpInside)


func pressed(sender: UIButton!) {


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