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Assign data-value to a href using javascript?

I'm having a problem of assigning a value to an anchor tag's data-attribute. Here is my code:

window.onload = function(){

var color = "red";
document.getElementById("mycolor").value = color;

<a id="setcolor" class="colors" href="#" role="button" data-value="mycolor">Choose color</a>

I would like to set the following string value to the href above (replace 'mycolor' with 'red'):


but the above is not working. Any tips are appreciated.


document.getElementById("setcolor").setAttribute("data-value", color);

Try rewriting your code:

window.onload = function(){

var color = "red";
var setcolor = document.getElementById("setcolor");
setcolor.dataset.value = color; //sets data-value="red"

sample here https://jsfiddle.net/fjchy6av/1/

Simply update your code to,

  window.onload = function(){
    var color = "red",
        setcolorLink = document.getElementById("setcolor");

    setcolorLink.setAttribute("data-value", color);

<a id="setcolor" class="colors" href="javascript:void(0)" role="button" data-value="mycolor">Choose color</a>

Example: https://jsfiddle.net/1usopvda/2/

Further Explaining

There are 2 ways of doing this. See the examples below, how to use data-attribute in JavaScript.

var colorLink = document.getElementById("setcolor");
  • Using DOM's getAttribute() property

      var getColor = colorLink.getAttribute("data-value") //returns "mycolor" colorLink.setAttribute("data-value", "red") //changes "data-value" to "red" colorLink.removeAttribute("data-value") //removes "data-value" attribute entirely 
  • Using JavaScript's dataset property

     var getColor = colorLink.dataset.value //returns "mycolor" colorLink.dataset.value = 'red' //changes "data-value" to "red" colorLink.dataset.value = null //removes "data-value" attribute 

And I'm not sure what you are trying to achieve by the click() in the question. So if you want to change the value onclick, see the example below

  window.onload = function(){
    var color = "red",
        setcolorLink = document.getElementById("setcolor");

    setcolorLink.onclick = function(){
        this.setAttribute("data-value", color);

<a id="setcolor" class="colors" href="javascript:void(0)" role="button" data-value="mycolor">Choose color</a>

Example: https://jsfiddle.net/1usopvda/4/

Your js usage is not correct. Try it out following ```

window.onload = function(){

var color = "red";
document.getElementById("setcolor").setAttribute("mycolor", color);

<a id="setcolor" class="colors" href="#" role="button" data-value="mycolor">Choose color</a>


If you need only to change the color on click for you <a> tag you can consider a much more straightforward solution using only CSS, in this case a CSS :active Selector .

 #setcolor:active{ color: red; } 
 <a id="setcolor" class="colors">Choose color (Click me!)</a> 

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