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Sending form data to an email codeigniter

I am trying to send form data to an email. The functions are running perfectly but email is not going to the specified email address. I am getting the response as 100 but there is no email received.

My controller:

class Contact extends CI_Controller {

public function sendemail()

        echo json_encode($response);

My model

class Contactmodel extends CI_Model
    public function _construct()

    public function sendemail()
        $name = $_REQUEST['name'];
        $email = $_REQUEST['email'];
        $subject = $_REQUEST['subject'];
        $message = $_REQUEST['message'];

        $returnarray = array();
        $to_email = 'cse.akhilraj@gmail.com';
        $this->email->from($email, $name);

            $returnarray[0] = 100;
            $returnarray[0] = 101;

        return $returnarray;
    class Contactmodel extends CI_Model

        public function _construct()

public function sendemail()
        $name = $_REQUEST['name'];
        $email = $_REQUEST['email'];
        $subject = $_REQUEST['subject'];
        $message = $_REQUEST['message'];

                $email_to= 'cse.akhilraj@gmail.com';

                $email_subject= 'Enquiry';

                $email_message = "Form details below.\n\n";

                function clean_string($string)
                    $bad = array("content-type","bcc:","to:","cc:","href");
                    return str_replace($bad,"",$string);

                $email_message .= "First Name: ".clean_string($name)."\n";
                $email_message .= "Email: ".clean_string($email)."\n";
                $email_message .= "Subject: ".clean_string($subject)."\n";
                $email_message .= "Comments: ".clean_string($message)."\n";

    // create email headers

        $headers = 'From: '.$email."\r\n".
                    'Reply-To: '.$email."\r\n" .
                    'X-Mailer: PHP/' . phpversion();


                $returnarray = array();

            $returnarray[0] = 100;


            $returnarray[0] = 101;

        return $returnarray;


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