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Can't run app due to .plist file missing but its present


在此处输入图片说明 As per the error message I verified that .plist is available and i verified that the executable file name also present.

I tried with simulator to same problem.

I restarted Xcode and I cleaned my project but still same problem.

I didn't faced this problem before, I think you guys can help me. Thanks!

I think that you accidentally have erased this key from your info.plist

Executable File : $(EXECUTABLE_NAME)


this is the cause of your problem

I hope this helps you

Go to YourTarget > Build Settings > Packaging > Info.plist File and check here the path to your .plist file.

Also it would be helpful to clear your derived data folder, and re-build project again.

  1. delete info.plist then re include it to the last location same folder by dragging and add to targets
  2. try shift+command+option+k this cleans your build folder.
  3. check these link1 link2 ..

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