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Symfony 2 - Attempted to call function “apcu_fetch” from namespace “Doctrine\Common\Cache”

I'm using PHP7.0.8 and the doctrine cache (with APCU) in my symfony project. When I call function from my controllers which use this cache, no problems, It works fine !

But when I create a command file which use a repository which use the doctrine cache, and when I run this command on my shell, I've the error :

Attempted to call function "apcu_fetch" from namespace "Doctrine\\Common\\Cache".

My configuration :

    driver:   pdo_mysql
    host:     "%database_host%"
    port:     "%database_port%"
    dbname:   "%database_name%"
    user:     "%database_user%"
    password: "%database_password%"
    charset:  UTF8
    auto_generate_proxy_classes: "%kernel.debug%"
            auto_mapping: true
                StofDoctrineExtensionsBundle: ~
            metadata_cache_driver: apcu
            query_cache_driver: apcu
            result_cache_driver: apcu

The same code works if I run it in a controller :( I think it's a bug, any idea ?

I fixed the very same problem by installing AND enabling php-apcu on my ubuntu machine.

sudo apt-get install -y php-apcu

DON'T forget to enable the module:

sudo phpenmod apcu

Double check that php-apcu is loaded in the command line version of your php config. Try to run the following on the command line

php -i | grep apcu

I got something like that as output:


which shows me that apcu is loaded.

When you run php from command line, you're actually invoking a php-cli (command line interpreter), not php itself. Php and php-cli are different, they use different config file, and also they can use different extensions. Check you php-cli extensions.

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