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How do I display a bootstrap popover in autocomplete options in angularjs?

I am new to angularjs. I need to show a link on hover on autocomplete option, the 3 dots on left side as below

And when I hover on the link(3 dots) I need to show a popover which is an html template. I am not able to find a way to show the pop-over link. Btw I am trying it with massautocomplete. http://hakib.github.io/MassAutocomplete/

Below is how I Am creating the template -

  for (var i = 0; i < users.length; i++) {
 var user = users[i];
 if (user.name.toLowerCase().indexOf(q) !== -1 ||
     user.email.toLowerCase().indexOf(q) !== -1)
     value: user.name,
     // Pass the object as well. Can be any property name.
     obj: user,
     label: $sce.trustAsHtml(
       '<div class="row">' +
       ' <div class="col-xs-5">' +
       '  <i class="fa fa-user"></i>' +
       '  <strong>' + highlight(user.name,term) + '</strong>'+
       ' </div>' +
       ' <div class="col-xs-6 text-right text-muted">' +
       '  <small><a href="#">' + highlight(user.email,term) + '</a></small>' +
       ' </div>' +
         '<div  class="col-xs-1">' +
           '<a uib-popover-html="\'<b>test</b>\'" '+
            'popover-placement="right" popover-trigger="\'mouseenter\'">...</a>'+

       ' <div class="col-xs-12">' +
       '  <span class="text-muted">Joined</span>' +
          user.joined +
       ' </div>'


Any suggestion are welcome, I can use another autocomplete library as well if needed.


You would need to modify the way you return the results to use the "passing objects" method as documented in the MassAutocomplete examples and then bind your ... to show a Bootstrap popover Documented Here binding the content to a property on your object.

To angularise your bootstrap use AngularUI which has a specific popover implementation. Documented Here See UI.Bootstrap.Popover.

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