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VBA checking cell interior color

I am trying to do something depending on the interior color of a cell.

This is my code so far but it is showing errors on the If line.

For i = 3 To dumpLastRow
With masterFile.Sheets(dumpRef)

    If .Range("A", i).Interior.ColorIndex = 4 Then
    End If

End With

If you have any idea it would be appreciated. Thanks

as alternative this version might be a bit easier to work with

With masterFile.Sheets(dumpRef)
    Dim cell As Range

    For Each cell In .Range("A3:A" & dumpLastRow).Cells

        If cell.Interior.ColorIndex = 4 Then
        End If
End With

You cannot combine letters and numbers like that in range. Use cells instead. You will need to put in cells twice as Range requires that when using cells to populate it.
Range(Cells(i, 1), Cells(i, 1)).Interior.ColorIndex

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