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JavaScript IntelliSense for external library is not working in Visual Studio 2015 Update 3

I am trying to use the Azure Document DB Server-Side JavaScript IntelliSense in Visual Studio 2015 Update 3.

I have downloaded the .js file from Document DB's GitHub site into my Visual Studio JavaScript references folder:


And referenced it in my .js file, but I don't see any Document DB IntelliSense:


However, if I open DocDbWrapperScript.js in VS the IntelliSense starts working:


Have I missed some config somewhere to make the /// <reference path="foo.js" /> syntax work?

This should work, please make sure the path is correct.

You can also try to register the docdbwrapperscript.js in General section: Tools->Options->Text Editor->JavaScript->Intellisense->References, ReferenceGroup = Generic, add a path to docdbwrapperscript.js there.


From the MSDN docs (emphasis mine):

The following rules apply to a reference directive:

  • The reference XML comment must be declared before any script.
  • You must use XML comments syntax with three slashes. References made by using standard comments syntax (two slashes) are ignored.
  • Only one file or resource can be specified per directive.
  • Multiple references to page-based scripts are not allowed.
  • If a page reference is specified, no other type of reference directives is allowed.
  • File names use relative paths. You can use the tilde operator (~) to make application-root-relative paths.
  • Absolute paths are ignored.
  • Reference directives in referenced pages will not be processed—that is, reference directives are not resolved recursively for pages.
  • Only script that is referenced directly by the page is included.

Switching over to use a relative path in the /// <reference path="..." /> fixed the IntelliSense for me.

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