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How to catch only the last line of another command executed inside batch script with CALL

I have to write a simple batch script for windows that have to "launch" another script and return only the last line of the output of the launched program.

I need this to catch the "status" of the launched command, that it's printing something like: "End programm with code 0" after many ( and not known number of other line )

What I need is to catch only the last line of myprogram.cmd inside my catch.cmd

I'll try to use CALL inside my catch.cmd script to run myprogram.cmd, but I don't know how to manipulate and get back the last output line.

If I use only CALL myprogram.cmd I'll get all the output inside my catch.cmd, I'll try with CALL myprogram.cmd >NULL to hide all the output inside my catch.cmd, but how to get the last line of the myprogram.cmd?

Thanks for any suggestion

I've created two files.


@echo off
dir c:\


@echo off
for /f "tokens=*" %%f in ('call called.bat') do set lastLine=%%f
echo %lastLine%

Running caller.bat will execute called.bat "in silence" and save the last line in the variable %lastLine% .

So in your case the anser will be this line:

for /f "tokens=*" %%f in ('call myprogram.cmd') do set lastLine=%%f
if "%lastLine%"=="End programm with code 0" (

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