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Typescript import import angular2 router errors

I am using the following import statement in my TypeScript code

import { Routes, RouterModule } from "@angular/router";

I have a few questions about this

  1. What does the "@" symbol mean in "@angular/router"
  2. I am using angular2 when I try to compile I get the following error cannot find module @angular/router . I am using "angular2": "2.0.0-beta.7",

What does the "@" symbol mean in "@angular/router"

The '@' is just the name of the library. If you look at the systemjs.config at the bottom of the 5 Min Quickstart on angular.io-s web site that's how it's mapped.

Also if you look in to the package.json file. '@angular/...' is the literal name of the package.

I am using angular2 when I try to compile I get the following error cannot find module @angular/router. I am using "angular2": "2.0.0-beta.7"

Firstly you should really consider updating to the new version 'RC5' there were a bunch of breaking changes and fixes.

The reason why you get the error cannot find module @angular/router is probably because you have it mapped wrongly in your systemjs config or you're trying to install a version of the 'router' that doesn't exist.

I think you should really try to follow the 5 Min Quickstarter to set up the initial project and then follow the Routing and Navigation documentation for the routing part.

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