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Avoid console message form package function

I'm using a package function (corenv, from seewave) which create a "please wait..." message in console. As I call it iteratively, that message is very annoying. So, I need a way for:

  • From my code, to temporarily ban the console messages


  • To access the function code and take off the message line

The following is not my real code, but a very simple one showing the problem

a = seq(0, (2*pi), by=0.01) #simple, unreal example
for (i in sequence(100)){
  x = sin(a*i/3) #simple, unreal example
  y = sin(a*i/2) #simple, unreal example

A very simple question, but I haven't found any solution. I'll aprecciate any help

You could use sink to capture the output, eg

z = corenv(x,y,10,plot=FALSE)

You can also wrap it in a function, eg

## unlink deletes the temporary file
## on.exit ensures the sink is closed even if 
## corenv raises an error.
corenv(..., verbose=FALSE) {
  if(verbose) {
    on.exit(sink(); unlink("tmp.txt"))

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