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Querying from [array of objects] with mongoose find

I have two Mongo schemas defined as follows:

var userSchema = new mongoose.Schema({
    email: String,
    password: String, //hash created from password
    firstName: String,
    lastName: String,
    postalAddress: String,
    city: String,
    state: String,
    country: String,
    institution: String,
    privilege: {type: String, enum:['normal','chair','admin']},
    status: {type:String, enum: ['granted','removed','pending']},

var conferenceSchema = new mongoose.Schema({
    conferenceTitle: {type:String},
    conferenceDescription: String,
    conferenceStartDate:{type:Date, default: Date.now},

Requirement: I want to fetch all the Conference objects which match a certain _id ie unique for each 'User' schema object. conferenceMembers is an array of 'User' objects

What I did:

It's a POST:

var userId=req.body.userId

**Conference.find({userId: {$in: [Conference.conferenceMembers]}},function(err,conf){**
                return res.send(500, err);
return res.send(200,conf);

But, the filter doesn't seem to work here, I tried with $elemMatch as well but no luck.

To fetch all the documents which has specific userId in conferenceMembers , you can do this:

Conference.find({conferenceMembers : userId}).exec(function(err,conf){...});

if you want to populate the users too you can use mongoose populate.

Conference.find({conferenceMembers : userId}).populate('conferenceMembers').exec(function(err,conf){...});

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