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Navigation Controller show/push viewcontroller swift

I have a problem in my code the self.navigationController.pushViewController function is being called infinite time, my code is attached, I am getting a product information by reading its barcode.

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func captureOutput(captureOutput: AVCaptureOutput!, didOutputMetadataObjects metadataObjects: [AnyObject]!, fromConnection connection: AVCaptureConnection!) {

    let storyboard = UIStoryboard(name: "Main", bundle: nil)
    let nav = storyboard.instantiateViewControllerWithIdentifier("companyInfoNAv") as! UINavigationController
    let companyInfoView = nav.topViewController as! CompanyInformationViewController  //      toggleFlash()
    for meta_Data in metadataObjects {

        let decoded_data: AVMetadataMachineReadableCodeObject = meta_Data as! AVMetadataMachineReadableCodeObject

        self.output_Label.text = decoded_data.stringValue
        self.reader_Type.text = decoded_data.type

        let manager: AFHTTPSessionManager = AFHTTPSessionManager.init()
        manager.GET("https://api.outpan.com/v2/products/"+decoded_data.stringValue+"?apikey="+"944b2810f5072d9d125f5fcf32543r1", parameters: nil, success: { (NSURLSessionDataTask, responseObject) in

            self.arrayObjects = responseObject as! NSDictionary


            if(( self.arrayObjects.objectForKey("name")?.empty) == nil){
                let attributes : NSDictionary!

                attributes = self.arrayObjects.objectForKey("attributes") as! NSDictionary
                if(attributes.count > 3){
                    if(attributes.objectForKey("Manufacturer")?.empty == nil){
                        companyInfoView.companyName = attributes.objectForKey("Manufacturer") as! NSString as String


                    companyInfoView.companyName = "No Name in DATABASE"

                companyInfoView.companyName = "No Name in DATABASE"


            }, failure: { (operation, error) in

    self.navigationController?.pushViewController(companyInfoView, animated: true)


your API manager is executing asynchronously, you should push the navigation controller inside the success block as below, or using completion

manager.GET("https://api.outpan.com/v2/products/"+decoded_data.stringValue+"?apikey="+"944b2810f5072d9d125f5fc1217855f1", parameters: nil, success: { (NSURLSessionDataTask, responseObject) in

        self.arrayObjects = responseObject as! NSDictionary


        if(( self.arrayObjects.objectForKey("name")?.empty) == nil){
            let attributes : NSDictionary!

            attributes = self.arrayObjects.objectForKey("attributes") as! NSDictionary
            if(attributes.count > 3){
                if(attributes.objectForKey("Manufacturer")?.empty == nil){
                    companyInfoView.companyName = attributes.objectForKey("Manufacturer") as! NSString as String


                companyInfoView.companyName = "No Name in DATABASE"

            companyInfoView.companyName = "No Name in DATABASE"


        // push the navigation controller here
        self.navigationController?.pushViewController(companyInfoView, animated: true)

        }, failure: { (operation, error) in

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