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Assigning variables during render event to phprenderer not passing to layout

i am trying to assign variables to my view renderer during an event i attached to the render event and its not producing values.

I have an event that i attached to the render event in my Application Module . I also have the method which gets called during the render event operation This is a Zend Framework 3 Application however I tagged Zend Framework 2 for more exposure since the framework is very new. Here it is

namespace Application;

class Module
    public function onBootstrap(MvcEvent $e)
        $app = $e->getParam('application');
        $app->getEventManager()->attach('render', array($this, 'setAssignRouteVariables'));

    public function setAssignRouteVariables(MvcEvent $e)
        $matches    = $e->getRouteMatch();
        $action     = $matches->getParam('action');
        $controller = $matches->getParam('controller');
        $designHandler = $e->getApplication()->getServiceManager()->get('DesignHandler');   

If you look, I am calling the method getPhprenderer() using the DesignHandler class. This method returns an instance of \\Zend\\View\\Renderer\\PhpRenderer . In any case after this i assign variables to the renderer object.

Following this, in my layout - application/view/layout/layout.phtml i do this:

<script type="text/javascript">
   var currentController = '<?php echo $this->controllerName;?>';
   var currentAction = '<?php echo $this->actionName;?>';

I'm getting blank values in this.

What am I doing incorrectly here?

Here's the current result :

    <script type="text/javascript">
       var currentController = '';
       var currentAction = '';

This worked.

        public function setAssignRouteVariables(MvcEvent $e)
            $matches    = $e->getRouteMatch();
            $action     = $matches->getParam('action');
            $controller = $matches->getParam('controller');     

You can use $GLOBALS global variable instead. I faced same problem but did not find better solution.

$GLOBALS["my_index"] = "My value";

in javascript

var myval = '<?=$GLOBALS["my_index"]?>';

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