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Github Pages No Longer Builds

I have a working github pages blog here. -See update below- After adding a new blog post and pushing the update, I received an email from github indicating "Page Build Failure". I can successfully build and serve the site using jekyll locally without issue.

After 22 attempted fixes and subsequent gh build failures, I am at a loss. The base of my blog is built of off this , and I have cloned a fresh copy into my personal blog in an attempt to build fresh from this template. I now get the same build error when pushing this clean template directory.

The only info the github email gives is:

"The page build failed with the following error:

Page build failed"

Has something changed on githubs side that breaks the linked template? Is anyone able to get github to successfully build that template now? I have been successfully updating this blog as recently as August 12th, has something changed in the past couple weeks that has broken my site?

The repo for the site is here

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Update: I attempted to start completely fresh by deleting the working site and following the steps of the template instructions, without success, so the above link will now give a 404 site not found error.

I was unable to figure out why github pages suddenly was unable to build this template, but I've found a work around by compiling the page locally and pushing that to github. This article provides a step by step guides on how to publish to github pages using this technique.

Essentially you need to locally compile and push using the following script in the local Rakefile:

require "rubygems"
require "tmpdir"

require "bundler/setup"
require "jekyll"

# Change your GitHub reponame
GITHUB_REPONAME = "ixti/ixti.github.com"

desc "Generate blog files"
task :generate do
   "source"      => ".",
    "destination" => "_site"

desc "Generate and publish blog to gh-pages"
task :publish => [:generate] do
Dir.mktmpdir do |tmp|
cp_r "_site/.", tmp

pwd = Dir.pwd
Dir.chdir tmp

system "git init"
system "git add ."
message = "Site updated at #{Time.now.utc}"
system "git commit -m #{message.inspect}"
system "git remote add origin git@github.com:#{GITHUB_REPONAME}.git"
system "git push origin master --force"

Dir.chdir pwd

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