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Why does html,body {height 100%} affect both width and height, but width 100% only affects width?

Given the following code, why does html,body {height:100%} allows the image to be responsive (allows measurements of its children to be written in percentage + works) at both height and width properties, but html, body{width:100%} only allows width to be responsive? If you could go in bit of detail how the browser treats width/height:auto (which I believe is the default value if nothing is selected), that would be great!

JSBin: https://jsbin.com/dafejayasi/edit?html,output

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
  <meta charset="UTF-8">

    html, body{
  height: 100%;

  <img class = "image" src="http://www.placehold.it/700x300" alt="Image of storefront">

by doing body's or html's width 100% or height 100% or both in together does not effect on anything on the body in this case !

Now given code will give you a brief understanding about how percentage works in browser

        //height not mention! 

in this case browser will select the height auto , that means the actual height of the image. when only if width change then height will change according to the the width. if width goes bigger height will goes bigger . nothing matters if only height changes

        //width not mention

now exact opposite case will be happen of above !


here if width changes it will not effect on height and vice versa ! thanks!

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