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How to position a button in fluidRow column

I'm trying to place a selectInput box beside an actionButton in a shiny app, using fluidRow & column arguments. However the button gets placed at the top of its column . Using text-align:center in the div places the button centre-top in the column view. I'd like the actionButton to be at the same height as the selectBox on its left.

I'm just beginning to get into some CSS because of Shiny but am at a loss here. Thanks in advance :)

ui <- fluidPage(title = "Working Title",

sidebarPanel(width = 6,
# *Input() functions
fluidRow(column(6, selectInput("Input1", label = h3("Select Input 1"), choices = list( "A" = "A", "B" = "B"), selected = 1)),
        column(6, div(style = "background-color:yellow; text-align:center;", actionButton("goButtonSetInput1", "SetInput1")))


server <- function(input, output) {


shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)

You can do that by adding another fluidRow, and setting the label =NULL

ui <- fluidPage(title = "Working Title",

                sidebarPanel(width = 6,
                             # *Input() functions
                             fluidRow(column(6,  h3("Select Input 1") )), 
                             fluidRow(column(6, selectInput("Input1", label = NULL, choices = list( "A" = "A", "B" = "B"), selected = 1)),
                                      column(6, div(style = "background-color:yellow; text-align:center;", actionButton("goButtonSetInput1", "SetInput1")))


server <- function(input, output) {


shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)

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