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How to make div width and height 100% while printing

Hello I have a fullcalendar.js implemented on my page,but i cant print the calendar covering full page. Here is my html

      <td width = 25% > hello </td>
      <td> <div id='calendar'></div></td>
</table> </body>

Now if I try to print this I m getting a blank space on left here is my style.

    @media print {
    body * {
    visibility: hidden;
    #calendar * {
    visibility: visible;


So how to print just a div #calendar covering full page here is my implementation http://plnkr.co/edit/SsYdQn?p=preview

Try @page declaration.

Add the following style rule to the page. It removes all blank spaces on the all sides.

<style type='text/css'>

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