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Uber Widget Login screen showing blank in iPhone but showing in simulator

I am trying to integrate the Uber Widget in my iPhone application (made in Xcode Version 7.3.1 with language Objective C ). Put all things as described in Uber-ride-request-widget and Github of Uber rides-ios-sdk . Created all the credential which Uber need like CLIENT_ID , Service Token in Uber Developer Account . I have installed pod for Uber as they said:


target 'My_Project_Name' do
pod 'UberRides'

and ran pod install and successfully installed the pod and then

Set info.plist as they described:




and also added following code in NSExceptionDomains within NSAppTransportSecurity keeping NSAllowsArbitraryLoads to true


Now added following code in didFinishLaunchingWithOptions in AppDelegate

// China based apps should specify the region
    [UBSDKConfiguration setRegion:RegionDefault];
    // If true, all requests will hit the sandbox, useful for testing
    [UBSDKConfiguration setSandboxEnabled:YES];
    // If true, Native login will try and fallback to using Authorization Code Grant login (for privileged scopes). Otherwise will redirect to App store
    [UBSDKConfiguration setFallbackEnabled:NO];

and Written following code to make the Uber Widget call:

id<UBSDKRideRequesting> behavior = [[UBSDKRideRequestViewRequestingBehavior alloc] initWithPresentingViewController: self];
    CLLocation *location4 = [[CLLocation alloc] initWithLatitude: 40.785695 longitude: -73.970208];

    CLLocation *location2 = [[CLLocation alloc] initWithLatitude: 40.791251 longitude: -73.977149];
    UBSDKRideParametersBuilder *builder = [[UBSDKRideParametersBuilder alloc] init];
    [builder setPickupLocation:location4];
    [builder setDropoffLocation:location2];
    UBSDKRideParameters *parameters = [builder build];
    UBSDKRideRequestButton *button1 = [[UBSDKRideRequestButton alloc] initWithRideParameters: parameters requestingBehavior: behavior];
    [self.view addSubview:button1];

Now when I am running the app in Simulator[Version 9.3 (SimulatorApp-645.9 CoreSimulator-209.19)] it is showing like the following:


But when running in device (iPhone 5s or 6 with iOS version 9.3.5) this is showing like this blank screen:

实时iPhone 6图片

Can anyone tell me what is the cause behind it? Some days ago when I tested it was showing fine for device also then I was facing problem of passing the destination address, Now I am facing the problem not loading the Login Screen, Can anyone please suggest?

Sometimes, there can be a delay for the webview to fully load. It looks like there may be a loading spinner in your screenshot (next to the wifi icon). Please try again and see if you can wait for the page to finish loading.

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