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Laravel manytomany relationships retrieving data

Users have multiple questions and questions have multiple users.
Questions have multiple answers.
Users have multiple answers.
Relations are set in model.

tables :

questions --> id   question
answers --> id q_id user_id answer
users --> id email username
question_user --> user_id q_id

How can i retreive the answer given by particular user of the particular question.

this way i can get the answers and questions of the user:

foreach($users as $user)
    foreach($user->questions as $question)
        echo "<pre>";print_r($question->question);                      

    foreach($user->answers as $answer)
        echo "<pre>";print_r($answer->answer);          

and this way i can get the questions of the user but all answers of the questions.

        foreach($users as $user)
            foreach($user->questions as $question)
                echo "<pre>";print_r($question->question);  
                foreach($question->answers as $answer)
                    echo "<pre>";print_r($answer->answer);

But i am having the trouble of getting the question of the particular user and answer of the question by particular user. this way
Results i need

user id=1.
question 1
answer by user id 1.
question 2
answer by user id 1

 user id=2.
 question 1
 answer by user id 2.
 question 2
 answer by user id 2

try this

foreach($users as $user)
        foreach($user->questions as $question)
            echo "<pre>";print_r($question->question);  
            foreach($question->answers as $answer)
                  echo "<pre>";print_r($answer->filter(function ($answer) use ($user) {
                    return $answer->user_id== $user->id;

there you go

// User model
public function answeredQuestions()
  return $this->belongsToMany(Question::class, 'answers', 'user_id', 'question_id');

// then

// or to make it 'safe' - no Trying to get property on non-object if no answer is found
data_get($user->answeredQuestions()->find($question_id), 'pivot.answer');

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