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What is the correct way to convert an Angular 1 provider to Angular 2

There are lot of documentation and examples on how to convert Angular 1 services and factories to Angular2 but I couldnt find anything on how to convert a ng1 provider to something equivalent in ng2.

Example provider

function AlertService () {
    this.toast = false;

    this.$get = getService;

    this.showAsToast = function(isToast) {
        this.toast = isToast;

    getService.$inject = ['$timeout', '$sce'];

    function getService ($timeout, $sce) {
        var toast = this.toast,
            alertId = 0, // unique id for each alert. Starts from 0.
            alerts = []

        return {
            factory: factory,
            add: addAlert

        function factory(alertOptions) {
            var alert = {
                type: alertOptions.type,
                msg: $sce.trustAsHtml(alertOptions.msg),
                id: alertOptions.alertId,
                toast: alertOptions.toast

            return alert;

        function addAlert(alertOptions) {
            alertOptions.alertId = alertId++;
            var alert = this.factory(alertOptions);

            return alert;



  .module('angularApp', [])
  .provider('AlertService', AlertService);

What would be the correct equivalent for this in Angular 2?

Ok so finally we figured it out thanks to https://github.com/jhipster/generator-jhipster/issues/3664#issuecomment-251902173

Here is the Service in NG2

import {Injectable, Sanitizer, SecurityContext} from '@angular/core';

export class AlertService {

    private alertId: number;
    private alerts: any[];

    constructor(private sanitizer: Sanitizer, private toast: boolean) {
        this.alertId = 0; // unique id for each alert. Starts from 0.
        this.alerts = [];

    factory(alertOptions): any {
        var alert = {
            type: alertOptions.type,
            msg: this.sanitizer.sanitize(SecurityContext.HTML, alertOptions.msg),
            id: alertOptions.alertId,
            toast: alertOptions.toast
        return alert;

    addAlert(alertOptions, extAlerts): any {
        alertOptions.alertId = this.alertId++;
        var alert = this.factory(alertOptions);
        return alert;

    isToast(): boolean {
        return this.toast;

and here is the provider for the service

import { Sanitizer } from '@angular/core';
import { AlertService } from './alert.service';

export function alertServiceProvider(toast?: boolean) {
    // set below to true to make alerts look like toast
    let isToast = toast ? toast : false;
    return {
        provide: AlertService,
        useFactory: (sanitizer: Sanitizer) => new AlertService(sanitizer, isToast),
        deps: [Sanitizer]

Now you need to call the alertServiceProvider method in the provider declaration of your module.

    imports: [
    declarations: [
    providers: [
    exports: [
export class SharedCommonModule {}

The code is part of the JHipster project and you can browse actual templates here

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