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Leverage Browser Caching and Console Warning

I made site and now when I'm tesitng this inside google PageSpeedInsights tool I have problem with Leverage Browser Caching for that same script.

This is my script that I'm calling inside HTML file

<script src="https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/js?key=AIzaSyDktC0AXgcEZ5p9yN3RKLs_HCi6JKjZUeE&callback=initMap"></script

PageSpeedInsights show me this problem

https://maps.googleapis.com/…Z5p9yN3RKLs_HCi6JKjZUeE&callback=initMap (30 minuta)

Also when I watching errors in the console show me te warning for that same script. Now I'm thinking that i make something totally wrong.

This is error in console:

Uncaught InvalidValueError: initMap is not a function js?key=AIzaSyDktC0AXgcEZ5p9yN3RKLs_HCi6JKjZUeE&callback=initMap:95

Does anybody now what is the problem.


A similar issue was raised on this github project , in which they referenced a stackoverflow entry as a possible solution.

Make sure the initMap() is a global scoped function or the parameter passed to the Google Maps JS is properly namespaced.

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