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Custom methods of Web components

It is possible to define custom functions on custom elements?

Something like:

var proto = Object.create(HTMLElement.prototype);
proto.customMethod = function () { ... };

document.registerElement('custom-el', {
  prototype: proto

And calling the method on the element:

var istance = document.createElement('custom-el');

Yes, of course.

Your example works as you can see in the code snippet below:

New answer for Custom Elements v1

 class CE extends HTMLElement { customMethod() { console.log( 'customMethod called' ) } } customElements.define( 'custom-el', CE ) var instance = document.createElement( 'custom-el' ) instance.customMethod()

Old answer for Custom Elements v0 (deprecated)

 var proto = Object.create(HTMLElement.prototype); proto.customMethod = function() { console.log('customMethod called') }; document.registerElement('custom-el', { prototype: proto }); var instance = document.createElement('custom-el'); instance.customMethod();

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