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ArangoDB Java Batch mode insert performance

I'm using ArangoDb 3.0.5 with arangodb-java-driver 3.0.1. ArangoDB is running on a 3.5ghz i7 with 24gb ram and an ssd.

Loading some simple Vertex data from Apache Flink seems to be going very slowly, at roughly 1000 vertices/sec. Task Manager shows it is CPU bound on the ArangoDB process.

My connector is calling startBatchMode , iterating through 500 calls to graphCreateVertex (with wait for sync set to false), and then calling executeBatch .

System resources in the management interface shows roughly 15000 (per sec?) while the load is running, and used CPU time fixed to 1 for user time. I'm new to ArangoDB and am not sure how to profile what is going on. Any help much appreciated!


Your performance result is the expected behavior. The point with batchMode is, that all of you 500 calls are send in one and executed on the server in only one thread.

To gain better performance, you can use more than one thread in your client for creating your vertices. More requests in parallel will allow the server to use more than one thread.

Also you can use createDocument instead of graphCreateVertex . This avoids consistency checks on the graph, but is a lot faster.

If you don't need these checks, you can also use importDocuments instead of batchMode + createDocument which is even faster.

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