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Are there certain files I should not be including in a barrel file in Angular 2 and/or does the order of imports matter?

I have a feature folder with an index.ts that looks like this:

export * from './grouping.model'
export * from './grouping.routing';
export * from './group.component';
export * from './supergroup.component';
export * from './grouping-container.component';
export * from './grouping.service';
export * from './grouping.module';

Initially I was getting this error: Can't resolve all parameters for SupergroupComponent: (?, ActivatedRoute) . I then changed the order in which these files were exported and am getting a different issue ( Unexpected value 'undefined' imported by the module 'GroupingModule' ).

If I remove the .service file from this barrel file and import it on a separate line in my component, everything works. I can't seem to find anything that talks about this issue, what should or shouldn't be included in barrel files or whether the order in which these files are exported matters.

I would assume that the order does indeed matter, but I've ordered my imports so that I import the lowest level building blocks and move up, but I still get the unresolved parameters error.

Turned out to be a pretty simple fix. The order of exports in your barrel file does matter. Start at the lowest level and work your way up and that'll take care of the issue.

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